Dorset CAN
(Climate Action Network)

Planet Shaftesbury is part of the Dorset Climate Action Network (Dorset CAN) which came together in November 2020.

This Dorset-wide network has a broad scope that embraces concern about the impact of climate change, the use and abuse of the Earth's resources, the loss of wildlife, and threats to social justice at global, national and local levels. It aims to stimulate awareness and to support action by people and local organisations as a complement to action by national government, Dorset's unitary councils, and other agencies. Network members include some town & parish councils, civil society organisations, regional groupings of relevant organisations, and individuals.
Any participants in Planet Shaftesbury can participate in Dorset CAN. Clearly, none of us can represent the views of Planet Shaftesbury as a whole without bringing questions back for local discussion, but that doesn't prevent active participation in Dorset CAN discussions and projects: it's a necessary part of our contribution.
To receive information and invitations to Dorset CAN events please email
You can connect with other Shaftesbury-based participants in Dorset CAN at any Planet Shaftesbury meeting or by emailing
In less than 6 months Dorset CAN developed as a network covering both DC & BCP. Teams of people came together to focus on specific areas of work and at the same time the organisation has collaborated to produce responses to Dorset Council’s draft Strategy for the Climate & Ecological Emergency and then on the Local Plan. Dorset CAN has subsequently led an alliance of organisations in the Dorset Deserves Better campaign to secure a re-think of the Local Plan.
Dorset CAN Working Teams
At the Action meeting on 1 February 2021, several teams were formed, based on the passions, skills and experience of DorsetCAN members.
The Teams are
Advocacy (coordinators: Michael Dower and Belinda Bawden)
Energy (Colin Tracy)
Land Use and Food (Ian Duckworth and Julie Leah)
Newsletter (Andrew Carey)
Transport (Helen Sumbler).
Facilitation (Sandra Reeve and David Brown)
We also have the makings of a Media Team to link social media and website development to the newsletter. We expect soon to need a separate team on Public/Community Engagement and Education.
Please join us!
To join any of these teams email the coordinator, or email
The DorsetCAN Newsletter
The regular newsletter will include:
Events diary
Case studies of inspiring projects
If you would like to join the DorsetCAN email list to receive the newsletter please contact DorsetCAN at

Do you have a case study?
If you have or know of a project that addresses any aspect of the climate and ecological emergency that could be inspiring to other people, then please consider writing it up as a case study to be shared through the network. Case studies will be accessible from the DorsetCAN website once it is established.
Click this icon to download the case study specification