If you have any interesting links to climate change or environmental articles, videos, blogs or reports that you could share here, it would be really appreciated!
I have been sharing articles to Planet Shaftesbury and, I think, to the email addresses for PS. I hope they are getting through. I cannot see, still, how to share to this forum.
The MOST PERTINENT video is an interview with 'WAI H TSANG' with XR regarding the merging of the material and the spiritual changes needed, and how a new philosophy movement around 'oneness' is needed (in very brief terms).
I have been sharing articles to Planet Shaftesbury and, I think, to the email addresses for PS. I hope they are getting through. I cannot see, still, how to share to this forum.
The MOST PERTINENT video is an interview with 'WAI H TSANG' with XR regarding the merging of the material and the spiritual changes needed, and how a new philosophy movement around 'oneness' is needed (in very brief terms).