So far, not impressed by the 'extinction rebellion' lobby. When it comes to it's senses, like the young folks in the latest post I shared with 'extinction rebellion Bristol/Shaftesbury', and realises the fundamental, pivotal part that Animal Liberation plays (in ending the tyranny, mostly, of the 'farming' industries) in creating any kind of civilised world, then, I may have time and inclination to work for that lobby.
I have been thoroughly supporting it recently, even spending £22 on leaflets, and distributing them. But, for now, after a very negative comment from a person in the groups mentioned above, I continue the essential work for the suffering animals. God knows, they need to be liberated around here in Dorset!
And, no, I will not shut up, and, yes, I am guessing that the reason why nearly everyone in this group and the other groups for XR are being so silent, negative or pc about the animals' terrible plight and their part in all this, is because of 'vested interests' and members who are in 'farming' .
Well, it is past the time now to be pandering to those involved in cruelty and exploitation of innocent animals, never mind those more concerned with money, lifestyles or status.
The world is changing. The truth is out there.
We know that the worldwide farming industries are the prime cause of environmental degradation and destruction, and we know that this is the prime cause of 'climate crisis'.
So I urge everyone to please put these issues together. There will be no sustainable or civilised world, even if it can be 'saved' , if we just continue the holocaust against the animals. So let's not let that happen.
So far, not impressed by the 'extinction rebellion' lobby. When it comes to it's senses, like the young folks in the latest post I shared with 'extinction rebellion Bristol/Shaftesbury', and realises the fundamental, pivotal part that Animal Liberation plays (in ending the tyranny, mostly, of the 'farming' industries) in creating any kind of civilised world, then, I may have time and inclination to work for that lobby.
I have been thoroughly supporting it recently, even spending £22 on leaflets, and distributing them. But, for now, after a very negative comment from a person in the groups mentioned above, I continue the essential work for the suffering animals. God knows, they need to be liberated around here in Dorset!
And, no, I will not shut up, and, yes, I am guessing that the reason why nearly everyone in this group and the other groups for XR are being so silent, negative or pc about the animals' terrible plight and their part in all this, is because of 'vested interests' and members who are in 'farming' .
Well, it is past the time now to be pandering to those involved in cruelty and exploitation of innocent animals, never mind those more concerned with money, lifestyles or status.
The world is changing. The truth is out there.
We know that the worldwide farming industries are the prime cause of environmental degradation and destruction, and we know that this is the prime cause of 'climate crisis'.
So I urge everyone to please put these issues together. There will be no sustainable or civilised world, even if it can be 'saved' , if we just continue the holocaust against the animals. So let's not let that happen.