This message has been received from Friends of the Earth, by Planet Shaftesbury (we are linked to their network as a Climate Action Group.) Anyone in the Planet Shaftesbury network can choose to participate in this FoE network.
Dear all,
Thanks so much to those of you who were able to join the SW regional conference call last week! If you weren't able to join you missed a great discussion.
Report back
We were joined by 16 people from several groups new and old across the region, hearing updates on campaigns to put local Climate Action Plans in place as well as projects like tree planting, repair cafes, community orchards, solar streets and more.
We also heard great ways groups are having impact including a solid "subteams" structure in one area and a way of combining "nice" engagement activities with campaigning in another.
Next SW conference call
The next call will be 7pm on 25/11 and we will send around the Zoom link nearer the time.
On the last call we also started a discussion of lifestyle/local change and more systemic social change strategies. It was just getting interesting when we had to close so we will start the next meeting by continuing this!
By way of preparation, you might like to read this discussion document from our Insight Unit: We'll also look out for some more differing points of view you can read, watch or listen to - and we're open to your suggestions too! (Let's share and discuss these on Slack - see below!)
That aside, what else do you want to discuss? Email suggestions to me on
Follow up links
We also mentioned the following interesting links on the call - please do check them out:
Flatpack Democracy produce books and campaigns to reclaim local democracy:
The Ella Baker School of Organising produce free and accessible training for progressive and environmentalist organisers:
The Conservative Environment Network may be a place to find allies in that party:
Other stuff
We mentioned our various training opportunities on the call. Here's the links to the details:
For those of you in the West of England Metro Mayor area you can register for this campaign webinar on influencing the Mayoral election candidates next week on Tuesday 10 Nov at 7pm:
Our other training webinars can be found here:
And for those of you who are Climate Action Groups please fill your group survey if you haven't yet: The deadline is 15/11.
Finally: If you are not yet a member of our discussion community on messaging app "Slack" please do join and let’s keep our discussions and planning going there throughout the month! Here's the link to join:
Stuart & Mike
Stuart Melvin Grassroots Development Coordinator t. 07445 804197 e. Friends of the Earth Please note: My working hours are Monday - Thursday. If your email is received on Friday I will respond on my return.