The latest email received from the campaign to stop planning approval for this incinerator is reproduced with links to the attachments here:
Dear Supporters
A few weeks ago planning advised that it was very likely that the Strategic and Technical Planning Committee would be deciding this application on the 22nd December. Various bodies have objected to this date. However, yesterday this fixture became more concrete and you should all soon receive a personal notification from Dorset Council Democratic Services, possibly on Tuesday. Rest assured that we have 7 excellent speeches prepared to cover the various interrelated aspects which are all dovetailed in with the 7 Portland Association representations. There will also be slots for independent speakers arranged direct with Democratic Services. We have asked Richard Drax MP if he would make time in his very busy schedule to also contribute. In order that there is limited repetition of the issues we are all asked to be careful not to exhaust the Committee by endless repeats.
If you are wondering if we have overlooked and want to be sure that a particular issue is covered I should be happy to respond to any email questions of this nature. These 14 speeches will be refined once the planning case officers report and recommendation is published a week before the 22nd.
The Committee will be held starting at 9am in the main Council Chamber and there will be a limit to 60 public attending, on a first come first served basis.
The site visit by the Committee has already taken place.
You will be heartened to know that
there is a new and very detailed Objection from Dorset Council Landscape Architect 21.11.22 stating “I object to these development proposals due to their resulting significant landscape and visual impacts.” Which completely sets aside the Tetra Tech submission on the same issue written a year ago.
due to recent changes in who is the Secretary of State for the Party to the UNESCO Convention we sought action from the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, the Rt Hon Michelle Donelan MP who replied promptly and this letter has been included in the planning file. His reply states “there has been no change to the status of the application, the Jurassic Coast Trust’s view that the proposals would negatively impact the World Heritage Site as a result of this proposed development within its setting is still shared by Historic England and DCMS. Many thanks once again for your interest and passion in protecting our nation’s heritage”. We have thanked Richard Drax for reinforcing our requests to these Parties.
donations are still coming in and we whole heartedly thank those wonderful people, THANK YOU.
And then there is the reality that Powerfuel Portland are still working to achieve their goal. There has been new information presented to the Environment Agency in respect of Fire Prevention provisions under Schedule 5 process and public Briefing 10 dated 25.11.22. This we have yet to unpack and respond. We have asked the EA to hold their review till we have completed this task. The EA response is that “There is not a formal consultation for this update and therefore no cut-off date. If you do have any comments or queries you can direct them to our permitting team via email:” “There would be a further formal period of consultation if we arrived at a ‘minded to issue’ draft decision for the application.” We will be sending in our observations and if anyone else does too that will add to the EA task with time to digest . . . . .and more EA fees for the applicant to pay – we hope.
So on we go.
Such a busy time
all we want for Christmas is . . . . . yes a refusal - so clearly written that an Appeal is seriously a no-hoper.
Seasons greetings and all the very best
Paula Klaentschi
Coordinator on behalf of:
we are objecting to this planning application and
EA Permit application no: EPR/AP3304SZ/A001