I wish to share with Planet Shaftesbury, more than is possible on this forum, how the 'STANDING LOCAL ACTIVISM' that I have initiated in Gillingham, so far for Animal Liberation, has great potential for Extinction Rebellion.
I can offer to do a little talk/display about this, which I would plan to be even a little bit entertaining!
Those of you who have seen me on this activism, as The Vegan Highwaylady, may be interested to know something of how it really works and why I do what I do, etc!
Those who have not experienced this strange phenomenon, have missed a treat!
I definitely would like to offer this at the next meeting in May.
Go on, Invite me! What have we all got to lose?! oh.......wait......yeah, the planet.
WHAT is the matter with Planet Shaftesbury?!!!! Dont you know an amazing offer when you are offered it?!