Dorset Council have confirmed that they are again going to try to get funding for Parsons Brinkerhoff proposal from 2014. The Dorset Cabinet will be voting on this issue at their 8 September 2020 meeting. This scheme involves cutting all the trees and the installation of soil nails and netting. Leaving the trees on the crest of each bank is 'optional' and no trees will be re-planted. The soil nails supposedly have a life of 120 years but will need regular maintenance.
The 'after' photo here is largely accurate and based on the consultants report, although the banks will be sloped back at a slightly less steep angle. The cost was estimated at £2.4M in 2014, but this did not include supervision and overheads, so our best guess is circa £4M today.
Let your Dorset Councillor know that your object to this unnecessary and expensive work, especially at a time when the council is already over £200M in debt and is struggling to support essential services. Also sign our petition at:

absolutely with you !