Ed Bersey has offered to add a list of people willing to share their experience or expertise to the Resources section of this website. Could you give a talk? Do you have experience you could share informally (eg. repairs, home energy, gardening for wildlife, how you travel, ... )? Is there something else you'd like to offer across our network? The list could be used not just by people in Planet Shaftesbury but by other organisations (such as Shaftesbury School), groups, or event organisers (eg. Artemis Festival).
To make an offer please provide the following information as appropriate to Ed c/o planetshaftesbury@gmail.com
Image (optional):
Brief bio - could include indication of area of expertise or experience, role, whether locally-based, keywords (as would be useful in a search facility):
Contact details/arrangements: You can use c/o planetshaftesbury@gmail.com if you don't want your email or phone number to appear on the website.
SPEAKER topics:
OTHER OFFER – eg. guided walks, practical workshop, citizen’s assembly … with indication of time/numbers as appropriate:
Planet Shaftesbury connection/history: events where you've been a named contributor