A turnout of about 20 individuals! That was heartening. The talk was good. There was no time for questions at the end, sadly, but we left our details.
Best of all, being the cheeky activist that I have become, I gave out the last of my 'call to action' leaflets to 'Make Earth Safe'.............
Hmmm......trouble is, according to highly acclaimed scientists of great integrity, we probably have now no chance of making earth safe. ('aerosol effect', or 'global dimming' - if fossil fuel industry stops, or even slows down, the world will overheat in a matter of weeks.
SO!......now there is more emphasis on how we look after ourselves in these end of times.
Guy McPherson suggests we have an attitude of love and compassion in a 'Planetary Hospice'. I like that.
Now I am trusting that Karen, and the two friends she mentioned as having been instrumental in setting up this first meeting (well done), will be contacting us all with some way of meeting up again.
SO!.........WHERE is word of a next meeting?! Please would SOMEBODY be PRO-ACTIVE here ?! Can Karen or her two comrades WHO HAVE GOT EVERYONES'S EMAILS, kindly either comment here, SHARE THE EMAILS, or SET UP A MEETING?! THANKYOU!
We ARE talking about the imminent end of civilisation here! NOT THE NEXT 'tea-in -the- afternoon'!!!!!!!!!!!