The Green Party beat the new Dorset Council's ruling party, the Conservatives, into a humiliating fourth place in the EU election in Dorset on 23 May.
On a 41 per cent total turnout, Dorset voters put The Greens into third place with 17,843 votes against the Conservatives on only 12,076 votes.
Top of the Dorset poll, almost inevitably in a county that voted 'Out' in 2016, came The Brexit Party with 50,163 votes, ahead of the Liberal Democrats far behind in second place on 26,789.
If it proves anything, it proves that Dorset remains a convinced 'Leave' county with some 6,500 more votes to leave the EU than all those for 'Remain' parties.
But it also demonstrates that Dorset Council can ill afford to ignore the environmental vote from now on. So will it listen?
You'll know at its next full council meeting on 18 July.
But how soon and will it be enough?