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STOPPWI Campaign Support

Writer's picture: Rachel BodleRachel Bodle

Updated: May 2, 2022

A follow up from the campaign

We had a stall at the TUC Dorchester Event that was rained off yesterday leaving us with a well prepared exhibition which is all ready to get noticed. I attach photos of display 1 - front & back erect - of the 5 panels which are these. Each sheet is A2.

We also have the A4 Myths and Facts sheets printed and Objection forms for filling out.

If anyone wants to use this material to support the campaign locally, please contact STOPPWI as below. Here is the earlier letter received by Planet Shaftesbury from the co-ordinator of the Stop Portland Waste Incinerator Campaign:

There is a lot you can do to help.

The planning website is still open to accept any further new comments/objections you or your group might have to the incinerator so please please do. All objections will help the planning department and the decision committee realise how strongly the public are opposed the incinerator. It is not too late to object!! An email to ref: WP/20/00692/DCC Minerals and Waste is the easiest route. You can send in subsequent objections on new issues if you have already objected. Please forward all this to your group.

The CALL TO ACTION: THURS 12TH MAY 2022 6PM COUNTY HALL, DORSET COUNCIL being organised by Caz is also a great time to banner No Incineration. I am away with family 9th to 19th May so not able to join in on the 12th.

Always happy to give a zoom presentation.

One reason there is a delay – we think is that recently Stop Portland Waste Incinerator campaign in association with The Portland Association submitted expert evaluations of the applicants submission on air quality and the consequential impact on the environment and in particular the HRA - Habitats Regulations Assessment – which has precautionary legal obligations all set out by Freeths environmental lawyers who conclude:.


Where does this leave Dorset Council?

14. Based on the information presented by the Applicant in its Updated Shadow HRA, Dorset Council must refuse permission for the ERF because Dorset Council cannot be satisfied that there will be no adverse effect on the integrity of any European site or Ramsar site from the ERF and its associated traffic alone or in combination with other plans or projects. Too many major issues remain outstanding for safe conclusions to be drawn.

15. For this reason, it is not possible to safely reach the conclusion as stated in paragraph 1 of the Statement of Common Ground dated January 2022 that “the proposed development will not have any significant adverse effects on the statutory sites (SACs, SPAs, MCZs, Ramsar sites or SSSIs) within the vicinity of the proposed development”.

16. If Dorset Council were to grant consent to the ERF on the basis of a HRA reflecting the Applicant’s Updated Shadow HRA, the decision would be unlawful, and the permission would be quashed by the Court upon application for judicial review

The applicant has since submitted self-justifications and rebuttals and implied that Dorset Council has appointed TetraTech to scrutinise the information. We have asked questions to verify this. If this is now the case and it would be a new appointment – it would takes weeks for TetraTech to do this work and would be a very expensive cost to the public purse.

Kind regards

Paula Klaentschi

Coordinator on behalf of:

There are two attachments


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